Today was one of my friend's birthday, but i ended up not going. Hes a really nice guy but he has the worst taste in women Ive ever seen and the girl hes dating rn is a psycho. I would know because I went out with her too so for my sanity's sake and as to not ruin my pal's bday with my issues i hung out with my classmates instead.

We went ice skating!! It was the first time ive been on skates ever since i was like 9 so I had some adjusting to do. Half the time I was just using those kiddy aid handles to get around but im not ashamed. I am a kiddy handle expert. I was zooming all over the ice pushing that shit. Right when I was getting braver being off it our time ran out, so thats a shame. Next time ill go in without it. Also I didnt fall once (unlike some of my classmates cough cough couhj couhj)

Right afterwards, we went to a park nearby to slap eachother with tortillas. Apparently thats a thing now? You do Rock Paper Scissors and whoever wins gets to slap the other with it. We all took turns against the winner of each round but it was kinda boring cuz no one wanted to hit hard in case someone got back at them. Two of my classmates got pretty rough with it eventually which was a nice change of pace lmao.

Three of us got dinner, I ordered nuggets and the other two a hotdog and a panini respectively. The nuggets were taking the longest, so they got their orders and left since they were due to get home. When my nuggets arrived nearly half an hour later, they came with yet *another* panini and hotdog. I gave them to the people still with me and we chatted

By the time we were done, only me and this other girl were left. I introduced her to my favorite bar and we spent the half an hour we had til I left chatting there. She really digged the place! Its an awesome bar. really aesthetically spooky and theyre always playing punk and rock music. Theres a skeleton playig guitar sitting above a shelf (kind of idk how to describe it) and they put a christmas hat on it for the season which I adored lmao. It was a great day!

Soda tabs collected: 2