Its been a while since i last posted a blog entry. I hope to be able to get back on track soon enough.

So, holiday recap!!! It began by celebrating my cousins birthday- we mainly hung out at his garage and played around with his old scooters and this weird foam ball he has there, like we do every year. Sometimes we do go out, but it was way too cold outside so none of us really felt like it. the highlight of the afternoon was definetly the moment in which my other cousin began playing a 30-minute long playlist of potaxxie songs.
We also had a family reunion to celebrate his bday, got to see my baby nephew there! Hes been learning his animals, so at one point his dad picked him up and took him to peek at my aunts stuff- he spotted a white figurine of an elephant, and imitated its trunk. But then he also spotted a little sculpture of a female torso, tits happily out, and procedeed to make the same noise. So that night i learned my little nephew thinks breasts are elephants? Hes a huge ball of energy now for sure. Kept picking up stuff and handing em to me.

I hung out with my cousin and his friend again a few days later. We ordered some french fries, took em to his house, and ate em there! We also downloaded an app to play Parchis online , and spent all night playing that shit. Fun!

Next thing I can recall, Christmas Eve! Family dinner at my home, my mom and my aunt did most of the cooking. Once all my cousins had finished eating, we excused ourselves from the table and you wont believe what we played- online Parchis.
By the time everyone left it was like 2am, and technically Christmas, so my mom gave me my gifts. They were all things i had picked out with her, except for a tabletop game consisting of magnets and a string, and some sweet ass cowboy boots

That afternoon, it was family reunion again! in my house again! Once again, the cousins excused ourselves and went to the other room to play with the new game my mom got me. We had a blast, and panicked a bit when we lost one of the magnets (we found it after like 20 minutes of searching so it was all fine). I got to play some of my record collection while we played, and when we were done I roasted them all some chocolate! (its really good. try it. now)

New Years was chill. My mom, my aunt, my grandma and I. We mainly watched TV until the countdown and ate the grapes. First dates was airing, and it was definetly the hightlight of the night. I guess they told all the dates to be dressed for the New Year bc the fashions were. Interesting, to say the least. Hightlight was this guy that looked like a cartoon douchebag in a medieval setting and a grumpy 90 yo man that was having none of it.

A fun fact about Spain is that many households kinda have two Christmas- we have the international one with Santa and all that Jazz and one in which we celebrate the coming of the three wise men/kings. Yk, the ones from the bible. Its on the 6th of January, but the day before theres usually a parade where every king gets his own cart thing and they all throw candy around for the kids to pick up. That same day, there was an ice skating track in our town, so my cousins and their friends met up at my place to then go, and watch the parade while at it. We didnt know when the parade was coming though, so it was a lot of running back and forth to make sure we didnt miss it while we went to the track.
Turns out the ice track closed the day before, and i had all the info wrong. So we went back, got up in my balcony, and watched the parade go from there. It was really shitty, as usual for my town, but at least they bothered to hire an actual brown guy to play Baltasar rather than painting one of the locals brown or black. Baltasar was the only one who noticed we were up there and threw us candy btw!! Baltasar stan for life.

The actual day came along, and i got a Yokai Watch figurine, a mini monster high "spy camera" that has the worst image resolution known to man kind and that i carry everywhere wuth me now, a lol omg doll, some shoes, and clothes.

A few days later, i went to the nieghboring town to give ice skating a second chance fr this time. I met up with The guy that was dating my crazy ass ex (they broke up btw. hes thrilled about it), a girl he took along and the french guy. Some other friends of ours were coming too, but they would come later, and mainly do their own thing outside of the ice track.
Well guess fucking what baby. We got there, and they were picking up the ice track!!! it had literally just closed !! I was so pissed. We then began just wandering round town. The girl my friend took along was weird. She knows my ex and kind of falls in the same vein of wanna-be mentally ill bpd-faking coquette tiktok girls. I dont really f with her. I had a fine time either way.
Since the ice track was closed, our other friends decided they would go their own separate way, but nonetheless we ended up reuniting, picking up some snacks, and hanging at a park for a while, then going to the bar we always go to
School began the next day, so they picked up their stuff early. In the meantime, my friend, the girl he took along, the french guy and I made our way uptown. The french guy and I took refuge in my friends appartment until it was my time to go, and we chit chatted, took his dog for a walk, and engaged in some sweet conversation with his mom.

Two days ago I hung out with one of my classmates at her place to play w/ her Switch. I brought my own joycon (which had no battery left, turns out). Luckily the copy of Mario Kart we had was extremely outdated so while it downloaded it had time to charge. I was there with two of my other classmates, and this girl from science who always tags along. Her little brother served us all some paw patrol cake and we took to playing. We played Mario Kart and Mario Party, and the science girl beat all our asses even though she had never played with a videogame console b4- Shes a mobile gamer at heart. I was pretty consistently in the bottom- Im not a gamer, end of story.